1 Summerside St, Edinburgh EH6 4NT
Our continuing ambition is to ensure that Summerside Kindergarten & Pre School is a developing community of children, staff and service users.
We are committed to providing a happy, safe, secure environment where each Child will flourish. Service users are invited to support and encourage the aims and ambitions of our setting.
These terms and conditions below relate to the agreement between Summerside Kindergarten Ltd and the service user.
Children are enrolled into Summerside Kindergarten & Pre School when a completed registration form has been returned, together with the payment of the deposit calculated as a sum equivalent to the first month’s fees.
In the unlikely event that we cannot offer a place, we shall refund any deposit paid.
Otherwise, it is offset against the first month’s fees and is non-refundable.
When your Child’s place is confirmed, the sessions chosen may only be changed after that with our Manager’s written agreement and will depend on availability.
Swapping sessions are not available as an option.
Acceptance of a place is on the basis that changes may be made from time to time to these standard terms and conditions, to the level of fees, the curriculum, and services.
Notice of any change will be given as soon as practicable, but it may be occasionally less than one calendar month.
Our opening times are from:
08.00 am to 17:45, Monday to Friday inclusive.
Morning sessions are from 08.00 until 12:45.
Afternoon sessions are from 13.00 until 17:45.
We are not insured outside these times.
Service users must arrive at our setting in good time to collect their Child and be ready to depart by no later than the end of the session time as given above.
We are open for 50 weeks of the year. We are closed for two weeks at Christmas.
When authorised by the known service user, we will only allow persons with parental permission and the correct unique password to collect a child.
If authorisation is not granted before the event, the known service user must inform us, preferably by email. Still, we will accept telephone instructions on who will collect the Child in an emergency.
The setting staff will ask for a valid form of identification and the password before and only when satisfied, releasing the Child into the newly authorised person’s charge.
The service user must inform us if the Child has any known medical condition or health problem or has been in contact with an infectious disease.
The Child must not attend our setting if they are unwell.
In loco parentis: The service user authorises Summerside Kindergarten Ltd to act in loco parentis in all respects.
The service user consents to the use of such physical contact with the Child as may be lawful, appropriate and proper for teaching and providing comfort to the Child when in distress or to maintain safety and good order.
The service user consents to emergency medical treatment, including surgery and or general anaesthetic, if certified necessary by a doctor and if the service user cannot be contacted in time.
Fees are payable in full and in advance and by no later than the seventh day of each calendar month.
Fees are calculated as weekly sessions x 50 (weeks) and divided by 12.
This results in an invoice of 12 equal monthly payments over the academic year.
Please ensure that any third party undertaking payment on your behalf, such as an employer or voucher provider, is aware of this condition.
We regard it as expressly the service user’s responsibility to pay the fees on time.
The service user will receive a monthly statement; any debit balance is then due and must be settled within seven days of the issue date.
Fees that remain outstanding after this period may incur late payment charges.
External teaching and or coaching providers’ charges for their sessions are not included in fees. (e.g., Play 2 Learn football skills). Any charges incurred for these sessions should be paid to the external provider before participation.
External teaching or coaching providers equate to a third-party contract between the parents and provider. Summerside Kindergarten Ltd is not liable or responsible for any aspect of this contract.
Specific outings are included in our fees. Outings not included are notified to those service users whose children are eligible and before each such event. Participation is indicated if and when payment is received.
Consumables such as disposable nappies and wipes are provided and are included in our fees.
Fees are not refunded or waived in the event of absence for whatever reason.
We do not offer a discount or refund for holidays taken.
When a placement is agreed upon and confirmed, fees for the confirmed sessions must be paid in full each month, regardless of whether the Child attends the nursery.
We do not offer “swapped” sessions if a child cannot attend their scheduled session.
One month’s notice, in writing, is required should you intend to withdraw a child. Fees remain payable for the entire notice period whether or not the Child attends the setting and in all other circumstances.
Any arrangement made between a service user and a setting staff member to provide any form of childcare service is a private arrangement between the staff member, as an individual and the service user.
Summerside Kindergarten Ltd accepts no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any matter arising from any such arrangement.
Suppose weather conditions become so severe or any other event causes concern regarding the children’s and staff’s wellbeing. In that case, the setting will contact the service user and advise appropriate action.
No refund will be made for this event.
To ensure the safety and wellbeing of all children who attend our setting, we enforce a no personal mobile phone usage protocol within our facility.
Should a service user be on their mobile phone as they arrive at our setting, we, please ask that they conclude their phone call before entering the premises and do not use their device again until they have exited. This is required under child protection legislation.
We accept no responsibility for any loss suffered by service users, arising directly or indirectly, as a result of Summerside Kindergarten Ltd being temporarily closed or the non-admittance of a child to the setting for any reason; this applies to absence due to sickness, holidays and Bank Holidays.
We accept no responsibility for children in the service user’s care on Summerside Kindergarten Ltd premises, i.e. before arrival or after collection.
We will not be liable to service users and or children for any economic loss of any kind, for damage to the Child’s or service user’s property, for any loss resulting from a claim made by any third party or for any special, indirect or consequential loss or damage.
We will make reasonable endeavours to keep service users and or children’s property in good order. Liability for damage to such property is excluded except where caused by our negligence.
Summerside Kindergarten Ltd undertakes to maintain those insurances that are prescribed by law.
All other insurance is the responsibility of the service user.
It is also the service user’s responsibility to ensure that all their children’s clothes are labelled and that no items of value are taken onto our premises.
No responsibility will be accepted for the loss or damage to any such items.
The Manager must be notified immediately and in writing of any court orders or situations of risk concerning the Child for which any special precautions may be needed.
Service users who have cause for concern or complaint must inform the Manager immediately.
Service users can also contact the Care Inspectorate directly at 0345 600 9527 or by email at [email protected], quoting our Care Inspectorate Number CS2014325935.
Any waiver of these terms and conditions is only effective if given in writing by or on behalf of Summerside Kindergarten Ltd.
These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Scottish Law, and Summerside Kindergarten Ltd hereby irrevocably submits to the jurisdiction of the Scottish courts.
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