Summerside Kindergarten & Pre School

1 Summerside St, Edinburgh EH6 4NT


Realising the Ambition

Realising the Ambition (2020) is the national practice guidance for early years in Scotland. It builds upon the original principles and philosophy of pre-birth to three and Building the Ambition. It covers children’s learning and development from birth into the early years of primary school.

The Curriculum for Excellence (CfE)‘early level’ spans the period from age three to early primary school. This provides new and exciting opportunities for meaningful and challenging learning experiences and for children to develop educationally, emotionally and socially within that level.

Curriculum areas

There are eight curriculum areas:


    • Expressive arts

    • Health and wellbeing
    • Languages (including English, Gàidhlig, Gaelic learners, modern languages and classical languages)
    • Mathematics
    • Religious and moral education (including religious and moral education and religious education in Roman Catholic schools)
    • Sciences
    • Social studies
    • Technologies.

Eco Schools

The Eco-Schools programme provides a positive way to learn about our environment whilst empowering young people to make a difference in their school, local community and beyond.


Getting it right for every child (known as GIRFEC) is the national approach intended to make sure that all the people who support your child work together seamlessly to give you and your child the right help at the right time.


To assess the wellbeing of a child at any given time, parents and teachers can compare the child’s experience against eight wellbeing indicators represented by the SHANARRI acronym.

    • Safe
    • Health
    • Achieving
    • Nurtured
    • Active
    • Respected
    • Responsible
    • Included

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