1 Summerside St, Edinburgh EH6 4NT
Our childcare insurance policy and schedule prohibit us from accepting children into the nursery before 08:00, and all children must be collected before 17.45. (Please refer to our session timings for individual sessions)
To allow all children to participate in daily experiences, such as allotment sessions and daily outings, please ensure they arrive at the nursery before 09.30.
If your child will arrive later than 09:30, don’t hesitate to contact us, and we will try to accommodate individual situations. However, this is not always possible due to plans/staffing for the day. If your child’s room is on an outing away from the nursery, your child may have to attend the next scheduled session.
If your child will not attend scheduled sessions due to holiday, illness or injury, please inform the nursery before 10:00 am, as our duty of care requires us to follow up on non-attendance.
Children’s behaviour at collection time
Parents are responsible for supervising their child’s behaviour after the child has been “handed over” at collection time, e.g. children running about unsupervised in the front area/ driveway.
Collecting the child
When authorised by the known service user, we will only allow persons with parental permission and the correct unique password to collect a child.
In circumstances where authorisation has not been granted before the event, the known service user must inform us, preferably by email, but we will, in an emergency, accept telephone instruction on who will be collecting the child.
The setting staff will ask for a valid form of identification and the password before and only when satisfied, releasing the child into the newly authorised person’s charge.
Your child will often use glue and paint and enjoy messy mud play during their day at nursery. Comfortable and easily washed clothing is most suitable; dungarees and tight jeans can be difficult for a child to manage, especially when encouraging them to use the toilet independently.
Outdoor Clothing
Outdoor play is an essential part of our nursery curriculum, and as we spend a lot of time outdoors, children must have appropriate clothing for all weather conditions. Wellies are recommended, especially for muddy play.
Identification of Clothing
It is helpful to staff and parents if your child’s clothes are marked or named, especially jackets, bags and footwear.
Spare clothing
Can parents please ensure their child has a “spare” set of clothing at the nursery?
Appropriate clothing
Can parents please ensure their child dresses appropriately for the time of year and weather conditions?
All food offered, such as snacks and drinks, are included in the daily fees.
All children attending the morning session are offered breakfast.
A substantial breakfast menu is served from 08:00 to 09:15.
Breakfast will include:
Cold – a choice of cereals with milk and fresh fruit.
Warm – a choice of buttered toast, croissants, toasted crumpets or pancakes
Drinks – Milk or water
*Children must be present in the nursery by 09:00 to receive breakfast.
All children are offered a hot lunch at 11:45
Afternoon Meal
All children are offered a hot meal at 16:00
We vary the food choices throughout the week and rotate them over a four-week cycle.
The nursery classrooms and garden are busy places, and unfortunately, accidents can and do happen.
If your child has a minor accident, nursery staff, who have received training and are qualified in paediatric first aid, will administer first aid.
In case of a head bump or a more serious accident, we will contact you as soon as possible. PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOUR CONTACT DETAILS ARE UP TO DATE.
You will receive a written report about the incident if your child is injured at the nursery. You are asked to sign this report to indicate that you’ve been informed.
It is essential for your child’s progress that they attend regularly. However, if they are ill or you are doubtful about their health, please keep them at home and remember to inform the nursery of their absence.
If a child is presented to the nursery and is deemed by nursery staff to be unwell, e.g., with a high temperature etc., you will be requested to collect your child as soon as possible.
If your child has been vomiting or has had diarrhoea, they should remain home for 48 hours after the last bout of illness. Doing so will stop the infection from being spread within the nursery.
Please inform the nursery if your child has any other infectious illness, including chicken pox, measles, slap cheek, etc, to enable us to inform other parents/carers.
Each child will have an individual learning journal. The journal is an ongoing record of their time and their progress at the nursery.
The journal records the child’s learning experiences, their next steps in learning, and comments from children and staff.
The learning journals are a valuable link between home and nursery. Summerside encourages you and your child to add comments from home and share appropriate information with us.
You will receive sign-in information to access your child’s learning journal, and you will also receive a notification when a new entry appears in their journal.
If you have any questions about your child’s learning journal, please do not hesitate to ask a staff member.
To maintain a safe and secure environment for your child, please follow these rules:
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