Summerside Kindergarten & Pre School

1 Summerside St, Edinburgh EH6 4NT


Baby Room (Age: From 3 months of age until 2 years of age)

Class Size Current Availability
9 places
We have no availability in our baby room until August 2026,and our waiting list for this room is currently closed due to pending applications.

Tweenie Room (Age: 2 years of age until the commencement of the next term after a child achieves 3 years of age)

Class Size Current Availability
14 places
We have no availability in our Tweenie room until January 2026, and our waiting list for this room is currently closed due to pending applications.

Pre-School Room (Age: Term after a child achieves 3 years of age until transition to primary school)

Class Size Current Availability
22 places
We have no availability in our pre school room until August 2026, and our waiting list for this room is currently closed due to children moving up from our Tweenie room into the pre school room.

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